
Happy Release Day to Bite Your Neighbor!

M/M Vampire Romance ✨ Humor, angst, slow-burn thirst. Wes knows the local pharmaceutical company killed his mom, but to get proof he has to trade them a vampire for their shady experiments. What luck that one has been sneaking through his window nightly to feed… How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win and Wager is […]

Once Stolen is available now!

When an autistic naga botches the robbery of a notorious cartel, a self-proclaimed hero is poisoned in his place. He strikes a deal with the dying hero: he’ll bring her to her cure in exchange for her hoard of coveted power-producing stones—stones which stop the pain caused by his sensory perception disorder. But to reach […]

Autism in Relation to Character Flaws

There’s only a week and a half until Once Stolen comes out, so I wanted to share about Cacao’s autism in relation to his less likable/more harmful attributes. Minor spoilers for Cacao’s backstory ahead! A (far to large) number of autistic characters fall into harmful stereotypes in which their autism is portrayed as undesirable or […]


A BETTER FATE is a darkly whimsical short story featuring a fairytale wlw relationship between a zombie and a dryad. Trigger warnings for this story are memory loss, mild descriptions of rot, and the general state of being undead. Learn more through goodreads. Hal remains undead for one purpose: to seek vengeance for her own demise. But […]

Building characters for a story

Donec sollicitudin in ipsum quis egestas. Maecenas odio augue, convallis sed mauris eu, ultrices ornare nisi. Aliquam dolor risus, porttitor at feugiat quis, dapibus et velit. Integer ultricies, augue a dapibus volutpat, odio enim accumsan arcu, eu eleifend urna velit ut lacus. Nunc risus libero, vestibulum ut cursus luctus, porttitor non augue. Proin posuere varius […]

Inspirations for my books

Donec vestibulum, enim ut aliquam posuere, augue leo porta quam, in sagittis dui magna eu justo. Sed vel libero quis nulla convallis euismod. Integer nibh mi, bibendum in congue at, placerat eget ligula. Sed mollis, nisi sed vehicula dignissim, augue sem auctor leo, in porttitor nisi tortor ac leo. Aenean consectetur pretium euismod. Suspendisse eget […]

How to do effecting writing

Proin vel augue et ipsum feugiat tempus commodo quis leo. Nullam eros turpis, placerat sed arcu nec, tincidunt dictum quam. Suspendisse dapibus purus in nisl ornare, sollicitudin consequat massa pharetra. Mauris non fermentum dui, non consectetur urna. Morbi commodo lorem ac porttitor tristique. Vivamus vitae erat quis neque efficitur gravida ut in nisi. Suspendisse in […]