The Warlord Contract’s Trilogy

Writerly Updates and Goals

Due to real life getting in the way, I’ve taken a little break from posting here, but I’ve still been working just as steadily. Here are some updates, separated by series. The key points are highlighted for easy skimming. The Warlord Contracts. I’ve started querying Iron From Fire, but it’s become very obvious very quickly that […]

Fight, fight, fight.

Who would win in a fight: Dejean or Ilya? Jillian asked this a while back, and I couldn’t help but go into a little too much detail… Ilya, from The Warlord Contracts, isn’t the most technical fighter, but he cheats like nobody’s business. Dejean, from Pearl, is pretty clever when he wants to be though, and it doesn’t […]

I finished draft five of Iron From Fire a little while ago. Have a mysterious golden-haired stranger to celebrate… Goldie shuffled backward, but their high, brown boots caught in the brush as they tried to stand. Their hood fell and a halo of curly golden hair sprang out. Immediately, they yanked the fabric up again. Vasha scowled […]