world building

How to Write Non-binary Characters: Part III.

PART ONE: the basics. PART TWO: the nitty gritty. PART THREE: common pitfalls and easy fixes. Here we’ll cover some common situations where writing respectful non-binary characters can be trickier. Writing Non-human Non-binary characters. Non-human non-binary characters aren’t inherently disrespectful to non-binary people, but it can easily become negative representation when there are no non-binary […]

How to Write Non-binary Characters: Part II.

Visit PART ONE: the basics first! PART TWO: the nitty gritty. Non-binary in relation to Presentation. What are we talking about here when we say presentation? Presentation in relation to gender is how a person chooses to look, dress, and act in relation to their culture’s gender norms. A person who wears dresses and makeup, […]

How to Write Non-binary Characters: A Three Part Guide for Writing Characters with Non-binary Genders.

PART ONE: the basics. Disclaimer: While this guide is written by a non-binary person in collaboration with many other non-binary writers and readers, it does not necessarily cover the views of all people within the non-binary community. First off, what is this thing you call non-binary? Non-binary genders are any gender identity that isn’t covered […]

Writing Diversity: Can You Force it?

Writing diversity isn’t “forced.” What’s forced in writing is continuously cherry pick the situations in which many groups have been deliberately forced outby the one group who prides themselves as being ‘the norm.’ Let me explain: While the world is very diverse, there are situations and areas where someone could justify not including diversity (such as if you were writing […]

What not to (not) write in fantasy.

I’ve seen some posts going around on what not to write in fantasy, many of which amount to: Don’t write evil kings. Don’t write people who are evil for the sake of evil. Don’t write bullies. Don’t write villains at all actually. Don’t write mentors. Don’t let your characters learn how to do hard things on their […]