
Character Creation

I’ve been running my characters through these questions so I thought I might as well share them. They are meant to be a fun but challenging look at how your characters are going to interact with each other and the plot. The examples and explanations are simplistic versions and some stories (especially complex ones) will […]

Mary Sue Stories: Why your Mary Sue and Gary Stu should(n’t always) go.

Most of us are quite familiar with the term, but if you’ve heard it passed around without a proper definition, a Mary Sue is a (traditionally female) character who’s known for being flawless. She’s powerful, beautiful, intelligent, more skilled than her peers, gets herself out of every bad situation with ease, (usually wowing a crowd of bystanders in the […]

A Look at Negative Character Development.

What is negative character development? It’s incredibly hard to define. Some writers relate it to moral decline. Some apply it to areas where a character returns to a way of life they had at one point developed out of. Other writers don’t like to use the term at all. There’s another way to look at […]

Fight, fight, fight.

Who would win in a fight: Dejean or Ilya? Jillian asked this a while back, and I couldn’t help but go into a little too much detail… Ilya, from The Warlord Contracts, isn’t the most technical fighter, but he cheats like nobody’s business. Dejean, from Pearl, is pretty clever when he wants to be though, and it doesn’t […]

Writing Engaging Antagonists

Before we get started, I want to clarify two things: – Antagonists can be of any moral alignment. They can be also be non-human things, such as monsters, nature, inner demons, etc. The antagonist is simply the primary thing your protagonist fights against. – For the course of this article I will be talking about […]